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The top Parisian places to trust to survive the heat wave 

Surrounded by asphalt and located 2 hours from the nearest beaches, Paris is certainly one of the cities where it is the most difficult to bear so much heat... Here is our list of the best spots to trust to best experience the heat wave of these next few days and treat yourself to a bit of fresh air! – Polpo Plage in Levallois-Perret Just 5 minutes from Porte Maillot, the Polpo brasserie has designed an artificial beach in the heart of the city: Polpo Plage. This trendy spot has teamed up with Chef Yoni Saada to offer delicious Polpo's Specials: labné with Gin Tonic, hummus with avocado, fresh raspberries and sumac, Boutargue artichoke cream, Harissa Green shrimp skewers.… all to share! Sand, deckchairs, and sunny banks of the Seine against a background of music, everything is there to believe you are on vacation and cut yourself off from Parisian stress. Polpo Plage, 47 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret. – The Parisian Beach at the Chalet du Lac Like last year, the Parisian Beach returns to the Chalet du Lac until the end of September with its 220 tons of …