All article tags: Iris Mittenaere

“L’Oiseau Paradis”, the must-see Paradis Latin magazine

Since the launch of its magazine “L'Oiseau Paradis” on May 2, the Paradis Latin has been full! Zoom on this superb show where we find the ex-Miss Universe Iris Mittenaere as a review leader. Quite discreet in recent years, the Paradis Latin has come back stronger than ever. This mythical cabaret of the 80s and 90s is reborn from its ashes, offering a new revue for 9 months of performances, 6 evenings a week. The star of this new show? Iris Mittenaère. After having shone during the 9th season of Dancing with the Stars - and playing the guest for Jean Paul Gaultier's "Fashion Freak Show" during 7 performances - the ex-Miss Universe seems to have had a real crush on this art. For several months, the leader of the review was therefore trained by a director and choreographer well known to the public: Kamel Ouali (The Sun King, Cleopatra, The Ten Commandments, Gone with the Wind, etc.) To accompany Iris, a casting international of 1000 candidates was achieved, among which …