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Paris Right Bank / Left Bank in limited edition at Galerie Roger-Viollet

Paris, “as it was”, would hum Harry Styles when discovering this exhibition. “Paris Rive Droite/Rive Gauche, the banks of the Seine between work and leisure” is a series of black and white prints. To browse at number 6 rue de Seine until September 30th. In this art gallery dedicated to photography, Gilles Taquet and Hélène Corre bring the past to life on modern prints. A century in black and white Paris from the 1850s to the 1960s tells us about life back then. It is in black and white on the 86 shots. All of them, so striking that one cannot imagine this Parisian past in color. Here, anglers in 1940, a little further, others, at the Auteuil viaduct, would be interrupted by an episode of flooding... This exhibition is an opportunity for the young (and not so young) generation to discover a professional universe that we would associate today with arduous work. Labour, one would have considered in those days. On the walls, in black and white, it is a question of work, but also leisure such as swimming in the Seine...