All article tags: sun creams

Sisley sunscreens, the ultimate luxury to protect your skin

Between pleasurable textures and state-of-the-art formulas, Sisley sun care products make us radiate happiness. Oil, cream, stick… Sisley sun care combines high protection and sensoriality. Something to upgrade our tan in complete safety. The sun no longer has enough to make Sisley blush, with 25 years of solar expertise. The French house captures care active ingredients at the heart of its formulas. The goal is to protect the skin from UV rays while preserving its youthfulness. Among these UV rays, we distinguish between UVA and UVB. The former represent about 95% of the ultraviolet rays that reach the Earth's surface. However, we do not feel them at the time of exposure. They penetrate the deep layers of the skin and thus accelerate its premature aging. In the long term, this results in the appearance of pigment spots, fine lines of dehydration and sagging skin. Although they only represent 5% of UV rays, UVB rays are the ones that make themselves felt immediately. They reach the epidermis (the layer …