
The (very) Parisian interview with Benjamin Cymerman

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At a time co-director of the famous Maison Heurgon and Chairman of the Faubourg Saint-Honoré Committee, Benjamin Cymerman is above all a Parisian in love with his city. For Paris Select, the XNUMX-year-old who loves jewelry reveals his favorite Parisian addresses.


Nathalie Freoa: We would really like to know your Parisian addresses… For example, a typical Parisian table where to dine? What do you recommend to us? Which places in Paris inspire you?

Benjamin Cymermann: There are two restaurants that I like a lot and that I find quite charming: Les gourmets des Ternes, very Parisian and an institution L'ami Louis.

Louis' friend 32 Rue du Vertbois, Paris 3 / The gourmets of Ternes 87 Boulevard de Courcelles, Paris 8


BC: There is also an address that I recently discovered and that I really like, but which is not French cuisine. It's here Pizza Peppe martyrs Street. I really recommend it, it's the best pizza in Paris and my last favourite.

Pizza Peppe, 61 rue des Martyrs, Paris 9


NC: A museum that inspires you?

BC : The Orangery Museum. Near our house, near the Louvre. They always do great shows. I am lucky to have my offices next door, a pleasure!

The Orangery Museum : Tuileries Garden, Paris 1


NC: If you want to get lost in Paris, which district evokes for you the soul of Paris?

BC: I adore, even if it's very cliché, everything around Notre-Dame, the quays… Île Saint-Louis! I really like walking there. It's very Parisian.

BC: And I also like in family, the Bois de Boulogne, take the bikes and go for a walk there.


NC: An art gallery that you frequent more, where you find objects that interest you?

BN: Again, not very original but I like the Bartoux Gallery, next to us. I bought something there recently. On the art side, I am more contemporary.

Bartoux Gallery, 5 Avenue Matignon, Paris 8


NC: A chic bar where to sit for an afterwork?

BC: Recently I have been to the Bar du Bristol several times. Very nice at the end of the day.
NC: Most after 22 p.m., the Bristol After Dark Bar turns into a nightclub!

The Bristol 112 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré Paris 8


BC: Sorry, I stay in my neighborhood, but that's what I like!

NC: Staying in your village is a very Parisian attitude!

BC: I am in love with Paris like you, I think that since the post-covid period, in these two years, we have been able to regain the place that we had somewhat lost.
NC: Thank you for sharing your (very) Parisian addresses with us… I wish you always have as much will to make your neighborhood shine and to continue to launch such exciting projects. Our city needs innovative projects!

BC : We share the same vision. THANKS. See you soon !

For more on Benjamin Cymerman:

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