Compaction, Culture

Classical music recognized by the Pelléas Prize at Les Deux Magots

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The legendary literary café also has a penchant for music. Apart from Jazz Thursdays, this Thursday March 28 plays the classic score with the Prix Pelléas aux Deux Magots!

An exceptional evening that brings together great wines. But not those we think. Not the musicians. The authors they inspire. They devote pages, time and books to them. This Pelléas prize, composed in partnership with Radio Classique, rewards each year an author and his work on music. Classic specifically. Radio silence, nothing filters. This is the organization's instructions. Neither list of names, nor the slightest clue.

A little history…

Where does this price come from? Launched in 1997 as part of the Nohant Chopin Festival, the Pelléas prize crowns the work “with the finest literary qualities devoted to music”. This distinction in partnership with Radio Classique will be awarded this Thursday, March 28.

It's his 27e  editing. Its name evokes the opera set to music by Claude Debussy, Pelleas and Mélisande.The eponymous play directed by Maurice Maeterlinck was also a great success previously, in 1893. 

Nowadays, the Pelléas Prize can boast a high-ranking jury. It is chaired by Alain Duault (writer, editorialist at Classica) and composed of Lola Gruber (writer), Marie-Aude Roux (writer, columnist at Le Monde), Ivan A. Alexandre (writer, columnist at Diapason), Jean- Yves Clément (writer, editor), Bertrand Dermoncourt (writer, general director of Radio Classique), Benoît Duteurtre (writer, columnist at Marianne and Classica), Nicolas d'Estienne d'Orves (writer, columnist at Figaro and Classica), Sylvain Fort (writer, columnist for Diapason magazine) and Georges Liébert (writer, editor).

Award-winning works and posthumous tributes

Pelléas Deux Magots Prize

Among the winners of previous editions, the 2023 winner: Federico Maria Sardelli, L'Affaire Vivaldi (Van Dieren Editeur). And also, in 2022: Philippe Blay, Reynaldo Hahn (Fayard). The year 2020 was dedicated to Martin Mirabel, for his book Scarlatti (published by Actes Sud). Congratulations to the winner who wins a nice prize of €3000, offered by Catherine Mathivat, owner of Deux Magots.

The Pelléas Prize is awarded to the winner at the launch cocktail of the 58e Nohant festival. Let the festivities begin ! Music, maestro! Drum roll…The Pelléas 2024 prize is awarded to Charlie Roquin for Les Maîtres de Bayreuth, published by Cherche Midi. A novel that immerses you in the epic of Richard Wagner. 

Les Deux Magots : 6, place Saint-Germain-des-Prés 75006 Paris 


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